lundi 28 avril 2008

Beep beep'm beep beep yeah

I was super happy when last Thursday afternoon, after a year and a month of being 17, 8 months of learning and one failed test, I finally passed my driving test! I was so excited; I've wanted to drive ever since I was a little girl. Like really little, and I'm pretty sure that's a strange thing for 4 year old girls to obsess over!
Anyway, Friday was a lovely, sunny day and I decided to drive into town for college. There were so many lorries on the road that morning, it was a little daunting but thankfully I managed to make it safely. I picked up some cupcakes and then Hetty from college and we made our way to Starbucks for the regular 2 skinny, sugar-free hazelnut, wet lattes and then to get some mooli to share. We thought that since we had the means to, we should enjoy out lunch in a more scenic location than Marks and Spencer so we made our way down to the beach. It was so nice and warm and we blasted Girls Aloud like it was summer!
After this leisurely lunch it didn't really make sense to go back for life drawing and we hadn't really checked out the shops at all that week, our lecturer would surely understand.
It seemed as though everything was going great, but then when taking Jenna to her sister's house a guy bumped into the back of me at a roundabout. I pretty much didn't know what to do and was about to just drive home and face the consequences avec mon pere when J got out of the car and took charge. Such a relief! It wasn't even my fault, he hadn't left enough room. But I'm over it.
Saturday I had work and then went to Jenny's 18th, I drove and so decided that Ribena would probably be a more appropriate beverage than the usual gin for this occasion! I had a pretty little outfit on -semi pictured - and the party was a really fun one.

You can't see, but I was also wearing a high-waisted, flippy denim mini, opaques and low-heeled, cream patent heels with gold links at the toe. They're beautiful.

Everyone was heading to Diva's but Swanny, Gavin and Dave managed to persuade me to drive to the 24-hour ADSA several miles away beforehand; I made them listen to the Legally Blonde the Musical soundtrack and when we got to the supermarket it was closed. Banter over. 24 hour? Yeah, but only on weekdays. Mon Dieu!
Sunday at work was totally awess! I spent the day making floral bridal hairpieces as part of a whole store wedding day promotion. I was right next to the door and the closest to sun I had been since Friday. Jenna braved the dirty looks of her former co-workers to talk to me but stood next to the door so as to make a quick getaway if it came to that. Luckily, it didn't.
Today I woke up and literally could not face going to college. I've spent the last 2 month doing absolutely no work and today, when I had to had in lots of work, this would have become very apparent to my lecturers! Instead I did some drawing at home to try and catch up.
Tomorrow is the John Lewis AGP, sort of like an AGM but apparently the P stands for Party. Hot.

♥ Holly

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