The excitement totally took over and Hetty and I could barely contain ourselves at the extended intro to 'Sexy, No, No, No'. Those girls are fabulous. Admittedly, not the best singers, but they really put on the best show and are hotspo for sure!
Not to brag, but we were clearly the coolest in the place and this coolness carried right through to when I spent 10 minutes trying to find the car keys, when we were already in the car! Then through to when I couldn't figure out how to work the drive through, and then when we sat at the beach and binged on McDonalds and Creme Eggs.
It was pretty fantastic.
Friday Jenna and I went to Sex and the City. I loved it. I thought the outfits were beautiful and I couldn't take my eyes away for the full two and a half hours. The wedding dress shoot for Vogue was my favourite part, so many pretties in so few seconds was basically giving me palpitations. The cinema was serving cosmopolitans and I think that towards the end of the movie, some people were beginning to get rather tipsy, there were a couple of girls in the row in front of us who laughed so loudly everytime they caught a glimpse of Charlotte's husband. It was completely unfunny, but as laughing is infectious, as soon as somebody hushed them I found myself laughing along extremely loudly! I only really laugh like that when I really shouldn't. I think it's safe to say that Jenna was mortified!
Oh, and I just ordered these beauties:

They should come fabulously boxed on Thursday. I'm sure they'll be completely worth it.
Oh la la la la!
1 commentaire:
Oh, I'm so jealous! I can't stop laughing about the gift card. I hope it comforts you on their arrival!! XXXX
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